Friday, July 12, 2019

It’s about the people....Below is a link to an article written by Emily Fortenot- I happened to have had the pleasure of meeting her at the EFCAOne conference I attended in the Chicago suburbs in June. Please take the time to read her article...Regardless of how you feel about the policy/politics of immigration (and not to say policies aren’t important... I have my opinions, you may have yours- I love you no matter your opinion)- I think it is incredibly valuable and reasonable  to first consider and hear from the people behind the often politically charged word of immigration (and I realize there are people beyond immigrants that are impacted by immigration- I am not ignorant to that).    Below is a review, written by Emily Fontenot ——
and side note—- this is SO COOL to me... SHE IS FABULOUS! I met her at the conference I went to in June in the Chicago suburbs... we exchanged contact info... so I could text her if I wanted (and I will... saying: Emily- awesome article!!!)
(End of side note)
So, below is Emily Fontenot’s review of the Netflix documentary, "Out of Many, One".  A good, valuable read💜 Thank you, Emily Fontenot 💜

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